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阿里云消息服务MNS API错误码

阿里云消息服务MNS错误码,包括API错误码、错误说明、HTTP状态码及解决方法,阿小云分享阿里云官方文档关于消息服务MNS API错误码对照表:

阿里云消息服务MNS API错误码


错误码 错误描述 HTTP状态码 建议处理方式
AccessDenied The OwnerId that your Access Key Id associated to is forbidden for this operation. 403 检查AccessKeyId和AccessKeySecret等配置是否正确。
InvalidAccessKeyId The AccessKey Id you provided is not exist. 403 检查AccessKeyId是否正确。
InternalError Interal error. 500 系统错误,请联系MNS技术支持。
InternalServerError Interal error. 500 系统错误,请联系MNS技术支持。
InvalidAuthorizationHeader The Authorization header format is invalid. 400 签名格式不正确
InvalidDateHeader The Date header format is invalid. 400 Date字段不合法
InvalidArgument The XML you provided did not validate against our published schema, cause by Element①. 400 XML结构不正确,请参见对应API文档。
InvalidArgument The value of Element②should between Low③ and High④ seconds/bytes. 400 参数值非法,请根据提示调整。
InvalidDegist The Content-MD5 you specified is invalid. 400 请求Header中Content-MD5不正确。
InvalidRequestURL Http request URL format invalid. 400 请求的URL不正确,请参见对应API文档。
InvalidQueryString Http request URL contains invalid querystring item “Element⑤”. 400 请求的URL不正确,请参见对应API文档。
MalformedXML The XML you provided was not well-formed. 400 XML结构异常,请参见对应API文档。
MissingAuthorizationHeader Authorization header is required. 400 请求Header缺少字段
MissingDateHeader Date header is required. 400 请求Header缺少字段
MissingReceiptHandle ReceiptHandle is required. 400 请求缺少参数,请参见对应API文档。
MissingVisibilityTimeout VisibilityTimeout is required. 400 请求缺少参数,请参见对应API文档。
MessageNotExist Message not exist. 404 队列中没有可见消息。
The receipt handle you provided has expired. 404 消费消息过慢导致消息重新回到队列生成新的ReceiptHandle,之前的ReceiptHandle失效。加快消费速度或者增加队列的不可见时间。
QueueAlreadyExist The queue you want to create is already exist. 409 同名队列已存在,且请求属性与原有队列属性不同。
InvalidQueueName The queue name you provided is invalid. QueueName should start with alpha and contain only alpha, digit or – . 400 队列名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
QueueNameLengthError Queue name length should between 1 and 255. 400 队列名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
QueueNotExist The queue name you provided is not exist. 404 队列不存在,请先创建队列。
ReceiptHandleError The receipt handle you provide is not valid. 400 请求参数不合法,请参见对应API文档。
SignatureDoesNotMatch The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. 403 请求签名异常
TimeExpired The http request you sent is expired. 408 请求时间与MNS服务器时间相差超过15分钟,建议检查本地时间。
QpsLimitExceeded The qps limit of the queue is exceeded ⑥. 400 队列每秒的请求次数超过QPS限制,如果需要提高QPS限制,请联系MNS技术支持。
TopicAlreadyExist The topic you want to create already exists. 409 同名主题已存在,且请求属性与原有主题属性不同。
TopicNameInvalid The topic name you provided is invalid. TopicName should start with alpha or digit and contain only alpha, digit or -. 400 主题名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
TopicNameLengthError Topic name length is out of range, should be between 1 and 255. 400 主题名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
TopicNotExist The Topic you provided does not exist. 404 主题不存在,请先创建主题。
SubscriptionNameInvalid The subscription name you provided is invalid. SubscriptionName should start with alpha or digit and contain only alpha, digit or -. 400 订阅名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
SubscriptionNameLengthError Subscription name length is out of range, should be between 1 and 255. 400 订阅名称不合法,请参见对应API文档。
SubscriptionNotExist The subscription you provided does not exist. 404 订阅不存在,请先创建订阅。
SubscriptionAlreadyExist The subscription you want to create already exists. 409 同名订阅已经存在,且请求属性与原有订阅属性不同。
EndpointInvalid The format of endpoint you provided is invalid. 400 Endpoint参数不合法
InvalidArgument The length of message should not be larger than MaximumMessageSize. 400 消息体过长,请参见对应API文档。



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